Thursday, February 05, 2009

My Mexican Honeymoon, pt. 2

If you are looking for a new addiction, start eating Life Saver Gummies.


Matsby said...

Oh man, that is the best thing that happened on my honeymoon too.

Matsby said...

They say that if you put a penny in a jar for every time you eat a lifesaver gummy during the first year of your marriage and then take a penny out of the jar every time you eat one after that first year, that the jar will never be empty.

Lee said...

That was awesome.

Also, I apologize if I made you feel awkward for introducing you to one of the fans of your religious blog at the reception. I was just excited for you to meet a groupie.


lisa said...

Also, I apologize because that groupie he introduced you to is my dad.

Lee said...

If it was awkward, it was because of me, not on account of either party involved in the meeting.

El Jefe said...
